Ni Luh Apriliani, a 2nd grader of high school, lives in a not adequate house in Seraya, Karangasem regency, Bali. Her father works as a carving labor and her mother is in ill. It has been very difficult to make ends meet. So that, they cannot afford mobile phone and internet data for Ni Luh to participate in online classes.
CIRHSS collaborated with Yayasan Surya Widya Kerthi and Komunitas Menyame Bali came to help Ni Luh by delivering the mobile phone. It was delivered by the Yayasan Surya Widya Kerthi general chief and secretary, Mr. Wayan Mastaadi and Ms. Ni Luh Marwati, and together with the other Yayasan Surya Widya Kerthi members.
CIRHSS Deputy Director, Prof. Dr. I Gusti Ayu Gde Sosiowati (English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University), has recently been promoted to Full Professorship in Linguistics. Huge congratulations, Prof. Sosiowati!
Hear more about Prof. Sosiowati’s research and profile in the video below, and her professorship inaugural lecture via this Google Drive link (all in Indonesian).
Mr. Steven Ahlaro as the Yayasan Surya Widya Kerthi representative in Papua again delivered a mobile phone to a high school student of SMP Santo Mikael, Merauke named Blasius Melo Basikbasik. He is the 4th child of 5 siblings. He is a diligent, disciplined and intelligent child. As his parents are unable financially, to achieve his dreams of going to school, Blasius was then accommodated at the Abba Orphanage in Merauke. For him, having a mobile phone to be able to take online lessons was a dream. Here, CIRHSS and the Yayasan Surya Widya Kerthi came to help Blasius realize his dream. Hopefully this donation can be useful and increase his enthusiasm for learning.
Below are more pictures of the phone-donation delivery to Blasius Melo Basikbasik accessed from Yayasan Surya Widya Kerthi Facebook page.
Pepi is a 6th grader at SD 61 Bengkulu. Her father, Nanang, who worked as a construction worker is forced to stop working due to lung tumor disease. Her mother, Rini, is a washerwoman from door to door. Studying online in the midst of the pandemic burdens them. The lack of financial support to buy a mobile phone and internet data hindered Pepi’s learning activities. Even though he is shy, Pepi is a child who is studious and enthusiastic at taking free English courses in his neighborhood. We do hope the mobile phone donation can more motivate her enthusiasm for learning.
Below are pictures of the phone-donation delivery to Pepi Rina Jeliana accessed from Yayasan Surya Widya Kerthi Facebook page.
CIRHSS Linguistics Strand leader, Prof. Dr. Ketut Artawa, was invited by the Indonesian Department, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU), to deliver a guest lecture on Linguistic Landscape (21 September 2020). Below are some photos documentation from the lecture.
CIRHSS Linguistics Strand leader, Prof. Dr. Ketut Artawa, delivered an online lecture on Linguistic Landscape as part of the September’s 2020 Online Linguistics Class series organised by the Linguistics Society of Indonesia (Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia). The Dean of Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University, Dr. Made Sri Satyawati, M.Hum, was the moderator of the class. Below are the video recording, post and photos of the class.
Vicky Harianto Homo is one of the native children from Merauke, Papua Province, Indonesia. He is originally from Marind, the largest tribe in South Papua. He comes from Tomerau Village, but he is now living in Merauke City for his education. His father has passed away, while his mother is still alive. She lives with Vicky’s nine other brothers and sisters at Tomerau Village. Tomerau is about 54,5 kilometers from Merauke city.
Vicky is the only child in his family who moves to Merauke City to continue his study. He is now living with his older nephew. Vicky is continuing his study at SMP Negeri Buti of Merauke (Buti Junior High School of Merauke). He is now sitting in grade eight. Based on the information from his class-teacher, Vicky is one of the diligent also smart students. He was included one of the top ten students in his class and he always attends his class on time, even though he must walk about half and one kilometer to school every day.
Since the Covid-19 pandemic, Vicky and his other classmates should study from home. Some of them who have mobile phones are sent the learning materials/assignments by the teachers to be studied, while some other students should go to school to receive learning materials and assignments from the teachers to be studied. Vicky belongs to the second group; he must walk to school and take his weekly learning materials/assignment provided by the teachers to be learned/done, just because he doesn’t have a mobile phone that might be used to support his long-distance learning. According to Vicky’s class-teacher, Vicky doesn’t even have shoes to wear to school. Far before the Covid-19 pandemic, Vicky always goes shoveling sands to earn money after school, said Vicky’s nephew.
Below are some photos of the phone-donation delivery to Vicky.
CIRHSS has initiated this fundraising program “KEEP CHILDREN LEARNING THROUGH THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC“, in collaboration with Yayasan Surya Widya Kerthi (Facebook & webpage) a social education charity foundation set up by retired teachers in Bali-Indonesia. See the dedicated page for this initiative here for further info.
CIRHSS Deputy Secretary, Gede Primahadi Wijaya Rajeg, Ph.D., gave a guess talk at BIT Schoolabout the benefits of coding/computing skill and data science in Language Sciences. Gede presented three simple cases to illustrate the interaction of computational and data science skills using R for investigating language and texts.
Generating a frequency list of words from hundreds of text files, followed by
Extracting full-reduplication words
Performing summary statistics for the length of the letters in the reduplication
Visualising the results
Extracting prominent/key terms in a collection of novels to reveal what those novels are about.
Comparing collocates of one word (i.e. menolak ‘to refuse’) in two different text corpora.
Below are the recordings of the talk (in Indonesian). The first part is the presentation, while the second part is the Q&A section.
CIRHSS Director, A/Prof. I Wayan Arka, presented at the first Sharing Session organised by the English Department, Faculty of Arts, Udayana University. The topic is on the expression of numbers in Indonesian languages, and its socio-cultural implications. Here is the interactive flyer of the talk, which includes the abstract. Below is the recording of the talk, or watch it directly on YouTube.