Online Linguistics Class on Corpus Linguistics

CIRHSS Deputy Secretary, Gede Primahadi W. Rajeg, Ph.D. was one of the invited speakers to co-deliver an online lecture (in Indonesian) in the Online Linguistics Class (Kelas Daring Linguistik) series held by the Indonesian Linguistic Society (Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia) (Saturday, 17 October 2020) (cf. also Gede’s other invited talk in October). The other presenters were Karlina Denistia, Ph.D. (University of Tubingen, Germany), and Prihantoro, M.A. (Universitas Diponegoro; Lancaster University, UK).

The topic of the lecture is an introduction to corpus linguistics as a method for combining qualitative and quantitative approaches to language (Pengantar Linguistik Korpus: Perpaduan Pendekatan Kualitatif dan Kuantitatif). Below are (i) the recording of the talk, (ii) some pictures post-lecture on MLI’s Facebook page, and (iii) slides for Gede’s presentation and Karlina’s supplementary materials and slides.

Recording of the online lecture on Introductory Corpus Linguistics for Qualitative and Quantitative Language Research (by [in the order of presentation] Prihantoro, Karlina Denistia, Gede Primahadi W. Rajeg)

Denistia, K. (2020, October 16). Pengantar Linguistik Korpus: Perpaduan Pendekatan Kualitatif dan Kuantitatif.

Online Linguistics Class on Linguistics Landscape

CIRHSS Linguistics Strand leader, Prof. Dr. Ketut Artawa, delivered an online lecture on Linguistic Landscape as part of the September’s 2020 Online Linguistics Class series organised by the Linguistics Society of Indonesia (Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia). The Dean of Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University, Dr. Made Sri Satyawati, M.Hum, was the moderator of the class. Below are the video recording, post and photos of the class.