Talk at UCREL Corpus Research Seminar – by Gede Primahadi W. Rajeg

Gede Primahadi Wijaya Rajeg, PhD was one of the invited speakers in the University Centre for Computer Corpus Research on Language (UCREL) Corpus Research Seminar series online at the Lancaster University, UK. The talk was a joint work with Dr. I Made Rajeg and Prof. I Wayan Arka on the interaction of voice alternation and (non-)metaphoric meaning of verbs from corpus linguistic and experimental perspectives. Related publication on this topic (Rajeg, Rajeg, & Arka 2020) (PDF) is recently published in the Proceedings of the LFG’20 Conference. Watch the recording and download the slides from below; abstract can be viewed here.

Online Linguistics Class on Corpus Linguistics

CIRHSS Deputy Secretary, Gede Primahadi W. Rajeg, Ph.D. was one of the invited speakers to co-deliver an online lecture (in Indonesian) in the Online Linguistics Class (Kelas Daring Linguistik) series held by the Indonesian Linguistic Society (Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia) (Saturday, 17 October 2020) (cf. also Gede’s other invited talk in October). The other presenters were Karlina Denistia, Ph.D. (University of Tubingen, Germany), and Prihantoro, M.A. (Universitas Diponegoro; Lancaster University, UK).

The topic of the lecture is an introduction to corpus linguistics as a method for combining qualitative and quantitative approaches to language (Pengantar Linguistik Korpus: Perpaduan Pendekatan Kualitatif dan Kuantitatif). Below are (i) the recording of the talk, (ii) some pictures post-lecture on MLI’s Facebook page, and (iii) slides for Gede’s presentation and Karlina’s supplementary materials and slides.

Recording of the online lecture on Introductory Corpus Linguistics for Qualitative and Quantitative Language Research (by [in the order of presentation] Prihantoro, Karlina Denistia, Gede Primahadi W. Rajeg)

Denistia, K. (2020, October 16). Pengantar Linguistik Korpus: Perpaduan Pendekatan Kualitatif dan Kuantitatif.

Coding untuk anak Sastra? Perlu banget!

CIRHSS Deputy Secretary, Gede Primahadi Wijaya Rajeg, Ph.D., gave a guess talk at BIT School about the benefits of coding/computing skill and data science in Language Sciences. Gede presented three simple cases to illustrate the interaction of computational and data science skills using R for investigating language and texts.

  1. Generating a frequency list of words from hundreds of text files, followed by
    1. Extracting full-reduplication words
    2. Performing summary statistics for the length of the letters in the reduplication
    3. Visualising the results
  2. Extracting prominent/key terms in a collection of novels to reveal what those novels are about.
  3. Comparing collocates of one word (i.e. menolak ‘to refuse’) in two different text corpora.

Below are the recordings of the talk (in Indonesian). The first part is the presentation, while the second part is the Q&A section.
