Prof. Martin Hilpert (University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland) participated as the invited speaker in our Shassion on #Linguistics (24 November 2020) in conjunction with the Guest Lecture for Corpus Linguistics class in Linguistics Doctoral Program at Udayana University (convened by Gede Primahadi Wijaya Rajeg, PhD & Prof. I Wayan Arka). Prof. Hilpert talked about quantitative corpus linguistic analysis on large database of English clippings. Flyer and recording of the talk can be seen below.
Shassion on #Linguistics 6 – by Prof. Anna Wierzbicka
Professor Anna Wierzbicka (Australian National University) was the invited speaker for the sixth series of the Shassion on #Linguistics (16 November 2020, 12:00 Central Indonesia Time, or 15:00 AEDT). See the abstract and preliminary readings for Prof. Wierzbicka’s talk in the interactive flyer below; the recording is also available after the flyer.
National Seminar at University of Halu Oleo – by Prof. Ketut Artawa
Prof. Dr. Ketut Artawa, the leader of the Indonesian Language research strand of CIRHSS, was one of the keynote speakers in the online National Seminar at the University of Halu Oleo, Sulawesi. Prof. Artawa delivered a talk on Linguistic Landscape.

Macrolinguistics lecture series #1 – Prof. Sosiowati
CIRHSS Deputy Director, Prof. Dr. I G. A. G. Sosiowati, delivered a guest lecture (in Indonesian) on a Pragmatics topic at the first Macrolinguistics Online Lecture series, jointly organised by the Linguistics Postgraduate Program of Udayana University, the Indonesian Linguistic Society (Denpasar branch), and the Asosiasi Peneliti Bahasa-bahasa Loka (APBL). The recording can be accessed via the link below:
Recording Password: bUYi6hYB

Prof. Sosiowati’s presentation

Sharing Session (Shassion) on #Linguistics updates & recordings
Since the first Shassion on #Linguistics by Prof. I Wayan Arka, the Shassion has been running well up to the fifth series in October 2020. The sixth and seventh series will be held in November (16 November 2020 by Anna Wierzbicka [Australian National University]; 24 November 2020 by Martin Hilpert [University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland]).
Below are the recordings for the first up to the fifth Shassion on #Linguistics.
Promotion to Full Professorship for Dr. I Gusti Ayu Gde Sosiowati
CIRHSS Deputy Director, Prof. Dr. I Gusti Ayu Gde Sosiowati (English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University), has recently been promoted to Full Professorship in Linguistics. Huge congratulations, Prof. Sosiowati!
Hear more about Prof. Sosiowati’s research and profile in the video below, and her professorship inaugural lecture via this Google Drive link (all in Indonesian).

Online Lecture on Linguistic Landscape at Universitas Sumatera Utara
CIRHSS Linguistics Strand leader, Prof. Dr. Ketut Artawa, was invited by the Indonesian Department, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU), to deliver a guest lecture on Linguistic Landscape (21 September 2020). Below are some photos documentation from the lecture.

Online Linguistics Class on Linguistics Landscape
CIRHSS Linguistics Strand leader, Prof. Dr. Ketut Artawa, delivered an online lecture on Linguistic Landscape as part of the September’s 2020 Online Linguistics Class series organised by the Linguistics Society of Indonesia (Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia). The Dean of Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University, Dr. Made Sri Satyawati, M.Hum, was the moderator of the class. Below are the video recording, post and photos of the class.
Phone donation to Vicky Herianto Homo (Merauke)
CIRHSS’s collaborative outreach activity for school children during COVID-19 pandemic.
CIRHSS has initiated this fundraising program “KEEP CHILDREN LEARNING THROUGH THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC“, in collaboration with Yayasan Surya Widya Kerthi (Facebook & webpage) a social education charity foundation set up by retired teachers in Bali-Indonesia. See the dedicated page for this initiative here for further info.