Sharing Session (Shassion) on #Linguistics 11 – Dr. Phillip Endicott

Sharing Session (Shassion) on #Linguistics is back on April 19th, 2022 at 1400 PM WITA (Central Indonesian Time). We invite Dr. Phillip Endicott (University of Uppsala, Sweden, and University of Tartu, Estonia) to talk about the joint analysis of language and genes using data from East Timor. See the abstract in the interactive flyer below!



WebEx meeting link:

Meeting number: 2512 842 4339

Password: shassion22

Time and Date: Tuesday, 19 April 2022, at 2 PM WITA


#Shassion #SharingSessionOnLinguistics #Linguistics #BachelorOfEnglish #UdayanaUniversity

Shassion on #Linguistics 10 – Dr. Jessica Birnie-Smith

Sharing Session (Shassion) on #Linguistics is back mid-year 2021! Our speaker is Dr. Jessica Birnie-Smith (La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia). Jess presented part of her Ph.D. research on the construction of social identity and categories by Chinese Indonesian in Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. The materials in the talk are published as a book chapter titled Framing Chineseness and Indonesianess on the Indonesian Periphery in the book co-edited by Shuang Gao and Xuan Wang (2021) titled Unpacking Discourses on Chineseness: The Cultural Politics of Language and Identity in Globalizing China.

Jess presented the talk in Indonesian and below you can find the recording of the talk on YouTube.

Kicking off the Shassion on #Linguistics 2021

Sharing Session on #Linguistics is back on March 5, 2021! 

Our first speaker for 2021 is Dr. Poppy Siahaan (University of Cologne, Germany) with the topic of the language of SMELL in Indonesian language (abstract here). Webex meeting link, password and dates can be found below:

Webex Meeting link:

Meeting number: 184 908 0384

Password: shassion050321

Date: Friday, 5 March 2021 at 15:30 PM WITA (Central Indonesian Time)

Feel free to join us via the link above (NO REGISTRATION IS NEEDED)!

Shassion on #Linguistics 9 – Prof. I Nengah Sudipa

Our Shassion on #Linguistics in 2020 was concluded with a talk on the National Mothers Day (22 December 2020) by Prof. Dr. I Nengah Sudipa, M.A. Prof. Sudipa discussed about semantic molecules, Natural Semantic Metalanguage, and their application in analysing the meaning of words for MOTHER. Below is the recording of the talk. We will be back with Shassion on #Linguistics in March 2021!

Microlinguistics lecture series #2 – Dr. Aryawibawa

I Nyoman Aryawibawa, PhD, the Vice Dean for Academic & Planning affair at the Faculty of Humanities, and our own board member of CIRHSS, was the invited guest lecture in the Microlinguistics lecture series organised by the Linguistics Postgraduate Programs at Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University. Dr. Aryawibawa talked about his experimental works that touch on the issue of language universality.